L.I.F.E. workshops meet Wednesdays @ 10 a.m. in library meeting room 131 unless otherwise noted.
9191 Barker Cypress Rd. Cypress, TX 77433


August 2007

August 1 — Gaming for Grownups - Patsy Brautigam enlists her Net-Generation son to demonstrate the mental and physical benefits of video games for all ages.

August 8 — Tangerine Trees and Marmalade Skies - Get into the seventies with Melissa, Rose and Tracy. Tie dye your white tee shirt and start feeling groovy.

August 15 — How do Artists Compose a Painting? - Learn the basics of composition with art instructor and artist Tony Kram.

August 22 — Face First with Balanced Health - Dr. Mary Alavi is back with some innovative ways to look your best. It’s not just for women anymore!

August 29 — Tulipmania - We won’t scare you with talk of the tulip crash in Holland, but Freddye Kelly will share sights from her trip to Holland and give tips on planting and storing bulbs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This looks great.