November 7 — Arrows to Wampum - From mighty Indian chiefs to the bravest of the braves, learn about our indigenous forebears from history professors Alex Smith and Sandra Harvey.
November 14 — The World is Flat - Geography Awareness Day celebrates why geography keeps us connected. Go global with Buck Buchanan in Tech GIS Lab 114.
November 21 — No Session
November 28 — Toast of the Town - Jeff Sauls of Cy-Fair Toastmasters conducts a mini workshop on how to speak with confidence and exercise leadership skills in your everyday environment. A Joint FSEC/LIFE Professional Development Program
December 5 — The Skinny on Metabolic Resistance - Dr. Mary Alavi of Balanced Health and Wellness has the new millennial answer to the age old question: How do you maintain energy and combat weight gain? Joint program with the Wellness Committee.
December 12 — Party Pot Luck - Join the library staff, the Friends of the Library and our Academy for Lifelong Learning for some food and games.
( For the pot luck, you can just come and enjoy or bring a favorite dessert or side dish. Turkey will be served!)
December 19 — No Session
December 26 — No Session
January 2 — No Session
NOTE: LIFE resumes January 9, 2008